安诺尼实时频谱分析仪Receiver Band Sequencer
回复 1楼安诺尼_LEE的帖子安诺尼实时频谱分析仪Receiver Band Sequencer block(需要额外license)是由多达32组独立设置的频率段组成,这批频率段可以按顺序不断循环运行(一个Receiver Band Sequencer一次性最多只能运行4组)。

Input 1 (I/Q stream);
out0 (I/Q out)
out1 (I/Q out)
out2 (I/Q out)
out3 (I/Q out)
安诺尼实时频谱分析仪Receiver Band Sequencer非常适合应用于多个不连续频段的监测应用,我们只需要将被监测的频段设置并激活,即可不断循环运行监测。
此外,Receiver Band Sequencer还有其他的参数设置,比如可以控制IsoLOG 3D测向天线。

Active - 勾选后才会激活该组参数;
Reference Level - 设置参考电平;
Wait (time, samples, rotation) - 定义循环控制的类型;
Dwell Time - 停顿时间,当在"Wait"中选择"time"时,才会被激活;
Samples - 采样点数,当在"Wait"中选择"Samples"时,才会被激活;
Rotation - 循环次数,当在"Wait"中选择"Rotation"时,才会被激活;
ISOLoG(ignore, rotate, sector, chopper) - 控制IsoLOG 3D测向天线的参数设置,默认是"ignore";
Ignore (Dont use IsoLOG 3D DF antenna)
Rotate (The dwell time will be the number of rotations in "Rotation")
Sector (Use the sector selected in "Sector Index" of the IsoLOG only. Use the dwell time as selected in "Sector Time")
Chopper (Use the IsoLOG 3D DF chopper mode. Use the dwell time as selected in "Sector Time")
Sector Time - IsoLOG 3D天线的停顿时间,(一般默认,不用设置);
Sector Index - IsoLOG 3D天线的扇区号,(一般默认,不用设置);
