
- Stream (IQ数据,输入)
- Cond (可设置的条件)
安诺尼AARONIA实时频谱仪Trigger触发器的功能是输出符合特定条件的IQ数据。基本功能与AARONIA实时频谱仪Simple Trigger触发器相同,但安诺尼AARONIA实时频谱仪Trigger触发器提供了更多的设置,一变优化条件处理:

- Combine Condition: 选择触发器的触发条件。可以选"Stream"、"Cond"或者是两个混合。
- Channel:选择需要触发的condition信道。
- Prefix: 在触发器触发之前,设置输入IQ数据的采样样本数。
- Postfix: 在触发器触发后,设置输出IQ数据的采样样本数。
- Min Samples: 最小采样数。(Number of samples where the configured condition must be active before data is forwarded ,to avoid triggering on unwanted short pulses)。
- Max Skip: 最大跳过次数。(Number of samples where the configured condition can be inactive before data forwarding is stopped.)
- Edge: :How the condition flag should be evaluated: "low" fowards data when the condition is inactive, "high" when it is active, "rising" / "falling" / "both" only when its state changes.
- Mode: Controls when conditions are evaluated: "free" disables condition processing and always forwards, "off" never forwards, "once" only forwards the first time the condition is triggered and then changes to "off", while "repeat" and "continous" will rearm the trigger ("continous" will treat the output as a continous stream, while "repeat" will treat each trigger event as a new stream, which can be evaluated for example by the File Writer block to record each event in a new file).