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IQ Vector Scope功能模块

5 个回复 · 1413 次浏览
#1 2021-07-07 16:07
IQ Vector Scope模块的功能是将数字调制信号显示为矢量信号,用X、Y轴分别显示I、Q信号。


IQ Vector Scope功能模块提供了一个基本的Sample Delta模式(bypass, sub, add, mul, rotate and adjustable emphasize),多样的绘图模式(Sample/Hold, Average, Maximum Hold and Minimum Hold)。此外,我们还增加了Grid Overlay,可以对QAM(BPSK、qpsk、16qam、64qam、256qam、1024qam、4096qam)和Radial进行自由伸缩调制。

A 16QAM signal decoding as vector scope

Typical Missions:
#2 2021-07-07 17:08

回复 1楼安诺尼_LEE的帖子

更新:我们已经在IQ Vector Scope功能模块上添加了一个可以自动或者手动的Phase Shift Correction功能:Under Main -> Phase Shift you can select from
-bypass (no changes)
-manual (change the phase shift within 0,1 Degree by hand)
-quadpower (automatic phase shift correction)
A phase shifted 16QAM without correcting the phase shift: It is way of the constellation diagram:

After correcting the phase shift (around 30 Degrees) the 16QAM fits into the constellation grid:
#3 2021-07-07 17:09

回复 2楼安诺尼_LEE的帖子

UPDATE: We have added an "Autotune" feature. It slightly changes the frequency to stabilize the signal:
#4 2021-07-07 17:11

回复 3楼安诺尼_LEE的帖子

UPDATE: We have again improved the IQ Vector Scope block and added an IQ output:
We added an automatic adaption to the signal. The low pass filter will now atomaticaly adjust to the variance of the signal.
For a noisy signal it will now take a bit longer until the frequency adjustment is done but you get a much more stable signal.
The auto adaption will now be available for the new IQ output and will take place to all docked blocks.
#5 2022-02-10 09:38

安诺尼AARONIA实时频谱分析仪V6 IQ Vector Scope现在得到的是圆形星座网格,而不是方形,这更加真实:
#6 2022-02-10 09:40

如需进一步了解安诺尼AARONIA实时频谱分析仪 IQ Vector Scope功能模块如何操作,请观看我们最新的操作视频:https://youtu.be/xxWVaU1Vkg4