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安诺尼IsoLOG 3D测向天线空中信号测向问题

2 个回复 · 392 次浏览
#1 2023-04-06 09:53
我正在尝试使用安诺尼IsoLOG 3D测向天线对1850 MHz的信号进行测向,使用1850 MHz作为中心频率,实时带宽为92 MHz。但是,我可以很好地对1850 MHz的信号进行测向,但我根本无法对1865 MHz进行测向。频谱图(我指的是"IQ directional finding" block中的频谱图)完全相同,甚至在不断重复扫描的扇区(在chopper模式下)中也是在两者的顶部。以下文件是一张图片和一段视频,图片用于1850 MHz信号,测向良好且稳定,但.gif文件用于1865 MHz信号,工作不正常。

#2 2023-04-06 09:54

您是否设置了Filter Direction和Time Compression的缓存?
#3 2023-04-06 10:05

Filter direction is 5%
And time compression is 10 units with the type of average or power.
Use the posted settings. Your settings are far to low.

that may solve the problem, but we want to DF e.g., the burst signals (signals with low exiting time) in a given frequency band, BTW I think extending time compression or filter direction just doesn't make sense in our problem. Am I right? Is there any other suggestion for us to do?
Tracking single short bursts only works with the chopper mode hardware option.

I know it
I have chopper mode option and doing the mission on 500 us chopper time with generic mode.
But I want to know how may I perform DF on burst signals while I can't even DF the common LTE signals in the air without missing real time option.

Why don't you use the settings we posted?

sorry for the late response.
actually, I'm using your settings. except time compression and filter direction.
my time compression is 100 and my filter direction is 5-10%.
increasing time compression more than this make my DF system not to be real-time.
Do you have any suggestion to catch burst signals like CW signals without the loss of being real-time?


Set the chopper time to 12 µs. 500µs is way too long.
Then you can collect much more data and increase the compression and filter settings to our specified values.