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AARONIA实时频谱仪V6导出Shape detector模块数据

7 个回复 · 1488 次浏览
#1 2022-04-18 10:46
以下是关于AARONIA实时频谱仪V6导出Shape detector模块数据的相关问答:
下图是安诺尼Shape detector模块的测试截图,我们应该怎么将黄色测试曲线数据导出保存到硬盘中以及如何在Visual C++应用程序或在MATLAB中使用它?
#2 2022-04-18 10:51

AARONIA实时频谱仪V6导出Shape detector模块数据

A:AARONIA实时频谱仪V6仅仅只需要点击EXPORT(导出)即可导出Shape detector模块数据,每个模块(Block)的标题栏中都提供了该功能,如下图所示:
#3 2022-04-18 11:03

谢谢您的回复,我看到该功能了,但实际上我需要的是实时测试数据,使用该功能,在CSV文件中只能保存一帧的数据。我需要实时测试数据,以便实现我自己的相关应用。有没有办法收到这个结果?是否可以使用script模块或者http client/server将其发送到外部的RTSA软件?
#4 2022-04-18 11:04

You can use a combination of script block and http server block:
  1. import { DSPStream } from "dspstream.js"

  2. async function main() {

  3. await DSPStream.addBlocks({
  4. shape: {type: "PulsedSpectrumShape"}
  5. });

  6. await DSPStream.connectBlocks([
  7. {source: "in0", drain: "shape"},
  8. {source: "shape", drain: "out0"}
  9. ]);
  10. }

  11. main();
最后编辑安诺尼_LEE 最后编辑于 2022-04-18 11:06:02
#5 2022-04-18 11:07

#6 2022-04-18 11:24

A:Minimal example code for the script block is included in the post above. What this does is:

add a new shape detector instance inside the script block
connect the first input of the script block to the input of the shape detector
forward the shape data to the first output of the script block, which can then be connected to a HTTP server block
The drawback here is that it doesn't use the existing block, the processing logic is "hidden" inside the script block, and the shape detector inside the script block won't (without additional coding) provide configuration options or any visualization. For the latter you could connect a Spectrum block at the script block output, but config options would require additional code inside the script block.

I've attached a full example mission.

Uploaded files:

shape-detector-export.rar (, 下载次数:0)
#7 2022-04-18 11:25

Thank you so much for your great example

as I can see , Script block is very powerful and we can do many special mission with this block, but actually I didn't find a good reference for learn script block.

You gave me a magic mission  now I have two question.

you added a "spectrum shape detector" block  in script but its hide and we only can see the output result .

its ok and very good , its exactly that I want it . but could you please tell me how we can change this hided block setting . for example if we want change the "frequency span " ?(" frequency span" is one of the spectrum  shape detector block's setting ).

and second question

you wanted add a "spectrum shape detector" block  in you script , but you wrote

await DSPStream.addBlocks({
shape: {type: "PulsedSpectrumShape"}

"PulsedSpectrumShape" !!!

How you know should use "PulsedSpectrumShape"  string for add "spectrum shape detector" ?? and if we want add and use another block in the script , what should write here ?

Thanks for you answer
#8 2022-04-18 11:26

Unfortunately the documentation for the script engine is still rather minimal at this point, which is why I originally was saying that this feature wasn't possible atm as the "shape" connector was missing from the documentation. It is not uncommon for names in the UI being different than names used internally.

Regarding adjusting the configuration, if you only need to set it once this can be done by changing the DSPStream.addBlocks call to

await DSPStream.addBlocks({shape: {type: "PulsedSpectrumShape", config: { histdev: 16, histmindens: 0.1, freqspan: 20e6, persistence: 0.7 }});

That will set the specified values whenever the script block is restarted. The provided values are the defaults (e.g. 20 MHz span), you can adjust those as needed within the blocks limitations.