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AARONIA 实时频谱仪V6 Spectrum Stitcher模块

2 个回复 · 605 次浏览
#1 2021-12-28 10:59
AARONIA 实时频谱仪V6 Spectrum Stitcher模块可以将多个频谱数据合并为一个新的频谱数据:

-Spectra (up to 8 streams)
- Stitched (new, combined Spectra)

AARONIA 实时频谱仪V6 Spectrum Stitcher模块最多可以将8个频谱数据流组合成一个新的频谱数据流,是扩展RTBW的一个很好的功能模块。例如组合多个实时频谱仪SPECTRAN V6的数据流:使用8台SPECTRAN V6,RTBW为245MHz,我们通过组合可以获得8 x 245MHz=1960MHz RTBW的新RTBW。
在这种情况下,“Configure Analyzer”选项将完全自动设置所有连接的SPECTRAN V6机组,以达到所需的新RTBW。
此外,您还可以添加Adaptive Sync,在不同的Time Steps (min, average, any and max)和Overlap Combiner algorithm (max, min, avg, power and smooth)之间进行选择:

如图所示:3个IQ Signal Generator 模块以不同频率运行不同的信号发生器,然后再由Spectrum Stitcher模块组合到一个新的单一频谱:

如图所示:来自两台不同SPECTRAN V6主机组合在一起的相同信号的两个频谱数据流(前置放大器off和on):

Typical Missions:
#2 2021-12-28 11:12

Q:For combining the streams of multiple SPECTRAN V6 (With 8 SPECTRAN v6, streaming a RTBW of 245MHz, you get a new RTBW of 8x245MHz = 1960MHz RTBW),what additional devise do I need to connect? such as 4-Way Splitter/Combiner (stitch multiple V6 units to expand the real-time bandwith)?How many main/additinal USB 3.x port should be connected for multiple V6 in one PC.
#3 2021-12-28 11:13


We offer a special 4 way wide band combiner for stitching up to 4 SPECTRAN V6 units in our online shop: v6-4-way-splitter-combiner offering a total of 980MHz real time bandwidth.
If you need to combine more units please contact us so we can provide you with a matching combiner.
You need two USB ports for every 245MHz bandwidth/unit.
If your PC does not offer enough USB 3.0 ports we can offer optimized USB PCIe cards to extend the USB ports (additional 4 ports per PCEe card).