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AARONIA V6实时频谱仪Sweep Measurement Demo

1 个回复 · 537 次浏览
#1 2021-09-26 16:44
AARONIA V6实时频谱仪Sweep Measurement Demo Mission正在执行从600 MHz到3 GHz的扫描测量,该测量在Spectran V6 Sweep Zoom block中配置。这也用于启动和停止测量,而不是通常的Spectran V6 Block。由于这是一个较大的扫描,因此已减少Wrapped Spectrum Block中的Time Compression 设置,以显示更多细节。在Wrapped Spectrum Block中,添加了额外的记录道和标记,并启用了选项“显示瀑布”和“标记表:全部”。

AARONIA V6实时频谱仪Sweep Measurement Demo Mission:
Sweep-Measurement-Demo.zip (, 下载次数:0)
#2 2021-09-26 16:45

Final mission used in the Spectran V6 installation quickguide for reference.

The mission is performing a sweep measurement from 600 MHz to 3 GHz, which is configured in the Spectran V6 Sweep Zoom block. This is also used to start and stop the measurement instead of the usual Spectran V6 block. As this is a large sweep, the Time Compression setting in the Wrapped Spectrum block has been reduced to show more details.

In the Wrapped Spectrum block additional traces and markers have been added, and the options "Show Waterfall" and "Marker Table: All" have been enabled.