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AARONIA V6实时频谱仪Wrapped Spectrum模块

4 个回复 · 711 次浏览
#1 2021-08-19 16:14
AARONIA V6实时频谱仪Wrapped Spectrum模块是安诺尼另一种独特且具有版权的频谱监测功能,仅适用于RTSA Suite PRO实时频谱分析仪软件,可通过使用多行的"Wrapped"频谱,提供了超高分辨率频谱分析功能。


AARONIA V6实时频谱仪Wrapped Spectrum是频谱监测的最佳选择,具有超高的分辨率,4K屏幕将提供令人惊叹的8x4k=32k像素的分辨率,8k显示器甚至可以将其提升到64k。

安诺尼的Wrapped Spectrum提供了许多功能强大功能参数,可根据需要来优化视图。例如,“Wraps”的数量可从1到8进行调整,可以添加(可选)瀑布图(waterfall),包括可调整的time compression(1到100k,使用不同的压缩方法)、强大的标记(marker)处理、,无限数量的(channel profiles)频道配置文件(您可以从我们庞大的配置文件数据库中选择)等。

Wrapping the spectrum in 4 rows offers a 4 time higher resolution:

In addition you can add a waterfall view for a high resolution time domain overview:

Or why not add more wraps/rows for an even higher frequency and time domain higher resolution up to 32k with a 4k monitor?

And finally add the frequency profiles to see what you are monitoring:

Typical Mission:
#2 2021-08-19 16:18

The Wrapped Spectrum block now has a real-time Spectra output streaming a cursor selected area within the Wrapped Spectrum block.
This is a really cool feature offering an excellent spectrum monitoring at a totally new level since the selected area will offer you a higher spectral resolution:
The attached screenshot shows how it works:
Select any area within the Wrapped Spectrum and see it live in higher resolution at the docked view(s) (in this case we have added a waterfall and spectrum view):

This is the mission we used for the above screenshot:
#3 2021-08-19 16:20

We have added a noise floor smoother to the Wrapped Spectrum block which you can adjust in the upper right corner of the controls from 0% to 100%   (20% is the default setup).
This feature allows a clearer wide band monitoring within the waterfall at high reference levels since the noise floor is not perfectly even in such setups.
It also compensates impedance load mismatches from antennas which cause an uneven noise floor.
With the help of the floor smoothing you can now tweak the noise floor until it perfectly fits and have full control over the waterfall color setup so you can see new signals popping up much better (but with slightly reduced sensitivity in some areas).
No floor smoothing at a high reference level looks like this:

High floor smoothing at a high reference level offers a perfect flat noise floor and a perfect waterfall color control:
#4 2021-10-21 10:22

AARONIA V6实时频谱仪Wrapped Spectrum模块现在新增了一个带状条,用于更快地控制主要功能:
#5 2022-11-16 16:32

我们在安诺尼的Wrapped Spectrum Block中添加了32个“wraps”,所有的Spectran V6实时频谱分析仪都可用。