安诺尼实时频谱仪V6 Waterfall 3D模块的功能是3D显示随时间和功率变化的频谱曲线图:
左侧输入:-Spectra安诺尼实时频谱仪V6 Waterfall 3D模块提供了许多功能强大的设置参数,以便根据需要优化视图。比如:an adjustable time compression (1 to 100k with different compression methods), adjustable Gauss-Filter, full color control, a powerful 3D multi marker/area measurement tool, powerful 3D adjustments, zoom and pan, power and/or frequency spectrum view (based on selected 3D marker), 3D Peaks and a lot more:

A typical Waterfall 3D screenshot (WiFi and Bluetooth):

Another Screenshot showing a DECT Phone Spectrum in 3D incl. shadow feature:

A high time and frequency domain resolution showing a single DECT Phone Burst in 3D incl. 3D Multi Marker Readings:

Radar doppler spectrum in super high time domain resolution:

Switched power supply producing massive EMI images over time:

Typical Missions: