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安诺尼V6实时频谱仪-3D Histogram 功能模块

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#1 2021-08-06 11:18
实时频谱分析仪V6配套的RTSA Suite PRO软件包含3D Histogram 模块,也就是余晖图,可以在3D视图中显示信号的频域、功率以及时域:


3D Histogram(余晖图)提供了和2D Histogram同样的功能,但却增加了第三个维度,提供了一个全新而且独一无二余晖图测量。
我们可以设置Persistence Factor (0-100%)、the number of Bins (16 to 2048) 以及Sampling (-4 to 2).
此外,我们还可以设置一组功能强大的绘图模式(Display Mode):
-dots (default)

这将大大提高视图的可见性,具体取决于信号的类型。最后,我们增加了一个可调的Frame Duration和Short Pulse 功能(比如蓝牙)。

这将大大提高视图的可见性,具体取决于信号的类型。最后,我们增加了一个可调的Frame Duration和Short Pulse 功能(比如蓝牙)。我们还增加了强大的3D调整功能,包括可调自动旋转。除了可调节的light功能(通过Light Jaw 和 Light Pitch),我们还增加了性能出色的3D效果:
-Cast Shadows
-Specular Highlighting
-Draw Outlines
-Depth Fog
-Ambient Occlusion

A 3D histogram of WiFi and Bluetooth signals offers a great 3D view. The three Bluetooth advertising channels can be seen as strong signals within the 3D histogram since they produce more pulses/s (higher density over time):

Changing the oriantation makes the view more clear, now also including an active WiFi channel:

Or how about LTE (3 different channels):

And the same view again with a different orientation:

Typical Mission: