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IQ Signal Generator功能模块

6 个回复 · 1003 次浏览
#1 2021-07-13 16:13
IQ Signal Generator模块的功能是基于用户选择的信号发生器类型生成I/Q信号流。

Left hand side Input:
Right hand side Output:

我们可以调整Sample Rate(高达20GHz)和中心频率。如果选择了Frequency Profile,那么我们可以选择相应的复选框来自动调整Sample Rate&Center Frequency。此外,我们还添加了Time Offset(+/-200ms内),对于我们想合并多个I/Q数据流非常有帮助。

Sweep(包括Single Carrier, Multi Carrier & Power Ramp 功能);
Noise (-200dBm to 0dBm);
Pulse(Pulse and Pause rate低至10nS);
FSK (Symbol Rate最高可达20MHz );
QAM (支持BPSK, ASK, QPSK, QPSK-C, 16-QAM, 64-QAM, 256-QAM, 1024-QAM, 4096-QAM等调制类型,Symbol Rate最高可达20MHz );
OFDM (支持 BPSK, QPSK, QAM16, QAM64, QAM256, QAM1024, QAM4096等调制模型);
Raster Image (可加载JPG, PNG, BMP 或者TIFF并将其转换为 I/数据;

All Generators can be combined or even added multiple times even with different settings:

A 4096-QAM Constellation Diagram with 20MHz Symbol rate:

Step Sweep Screenshot:

我们可以使用IQ Signal generator向安诺尼的V6实时频谱仪的Tx接口发送I/Q数据流,可将SPECTRAN V6用作Vector Signal Generator(矢量信号发生器,RTBW最高可达120MHz);
还有一个很好的特性就是用于I/Q数据流混合:我们可以向AARONIA的SPECTRAN V6接收的常规I/Q数据流添加额外的I/Q Signal Generator 数据流。或者可以考虑把IQ Signal Generator当作I/Q文件保存到磁盘,并和第三方的矢量信号发生器一起使用。

#2 2021-07-13 16:13

We changed the frequency steps to 1Hz (was 1kHz) resolution.
We added a "Shift Filter" feature to the FSK Encoder. With its help you can smoothly change the encoder from FSK (0% Shift) to GFSK (100% Shift).

We added a "Power Ramp Duty Cycle" adjustment to remove "glitches", which might have occurred from time to time.
You should now get a glitch free signal no matter what:

Queck out our latest video showing the IQ Signal Genarator running complex QAM modulations up to QAM4096: IQ Signal Generator Demo
最后编辑安诺尼_LEE 最后编辑于 2021-07-13 16:17:37
#3 2023-04-12 15:21

以下视频链接是我们安诺尼AARONIA矢量信号发生器IQ Signal Genarator生成QAM4096调制信号的视频链接:IQ Signal Generator Demo
#4 2023-04-12 16:03

在安诺尼实时频谱仪软件RTSA Suite PRO中,矢量信号发生器IQ Signal Generator提供了一个可选件Raster Image generator。Raster Image generator可以从文件中读取图像,并能将每条horizontal line interpreted转换为连续的IQ数据流,这样我们就可以在频谱瀑布图上看到被加载的图像了。在附件的mission中,我们需要指定被加载图像的路径:


An additional bitmap coverted to IQ, now as geyscale image for better contrast:

RasterImage.zip (, 下载次数:0)
#5 2023-04-12 16:09

当使用AARONIA矢量信号发生器IQ Signal Generator发射调制信号时,Symbol Frequency是有限制的,只能发射20MHz以下的信号。如果我们需要发射Symbol Frequency为20-100MHz的调制信号时,我们需要更高性能的系统,否则我们设备的CPU Sat将会达到100%,这将导致调制信号无法有效输出(请参阅下面的屏幕截图)。

With high-end desktop CPUs like a 12900K you can currently achieve a symbol rate of about 25-35 MHz before running into a CPU bottleneck (under optimal conditions). The relevant factor here is clock speed, not core count.

Higher values will result in CPU oversaturation, which will lead to dropped packets and may corrupt the signal. Changing the limit from 20 to 100 MHz is mainly about removing an artificial software limitation, and future hardware may be able to better utilize this.
最后编辑安诺尼_LEE 最后编辑于 2023-04-12 16:16:02
#6 2023-04-12 16:14

我们AARONIA安诺尼的IQ Signal Generator矢量信号发生器目前新增加了如下基本波形:
-Sine (sinwave)
我们可以从“Add Basic Waveforms”下的发生器菜单中选择这些波形:

#7 2023-11-17 14:34

我们新增了一个"Random Step"模式: