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IsoLOG 3D功能模块介绍

3 个回复 · 687 次浏览
#1 2021-05-28 17:18
IsoLOG 3D模块:关于IsoLOG 3D测向跟踪天线的相关设置

IsoLOG 3D测向跟踪天线是一种超宽带天线。最高配置由多达16个扇区总共64根天线组成,并由开关旋转按钮控制天线扇区的扫描速度,时间最短可低至1uS。因此,在整个频段范围内,3D测向跟踪天线几乎可以实时对RF信号进行全方位侦测。IsoLOG 3D测向天线是我们无人机侦测(DD)和测向(DF)软件的“必备”产品。

IsoLOG 3D模块可以完全控制IsoLOG 3D 测向天线,包括IP设置、element/sector mask配置、模式设置(chopper vs remote switching)、扫描时间设置、GPS设置(内部或手动)。此外,GPS模块还完整地提供了一个强大的地图(2D、3D以及带有建筑物的地形图)。

RF (RF | Meta data)

IsoLOG 3D模块功能设置界面:

最后编辑安诺尼_LEE 最后编辑于 2021-05-28 17:26:30
#2 2023-04-20 16:53

我需要将IsoLOG 3D测向天线的状态数据导出到外部的集成系统。
我的问题是当我们将安诺尼的IsoLOG 3D测向天线和SPECTRAN V6实时频谱仪连接时:
1、我们是否可以通过RTSA实时频谱分析仪软件的IsoLOG 3D block导出segment或者sector数据?
2、我们是否可以通过RTSA实时频谱分析仪软件的IsoLOG 3D block获悉此时与SPECTRAN V6连接的是哪个segment或者sector?
最后编辑安诺尼_LEE 最后编辑于 2023-04-20 16:54:45
#3 2023-04-20 16:58

The IsoLOG 3D block doesn't output that information. It is intended for controlling the antenna, not for data analysis. At most you could attempt to check the currently configured element and sector using the script block, but depending on your timing requirements that may not be accurate enough.

Alternatively you can get that information from the V6 block if the antenna RF output is connected to a Spectran V6 receiver. When connected to a HTTP server the stream will contain an "antenna" element for each sample with "azimuth" and "declination" attributes that can be used to deduct element and sector numbers (if necessary).

If you only have the antenna itself, you'll have to use its builtin HTTP interface to read its current configuration (which is what the IsoLOG RTSA block does). However you will have to account for latency yourself in that scenario, which again depending on your timing requirements might be an issue.
#4 2023-04-20 16:59

Could you please help me for the confusion? What is the exactly meaning for data, "azimuth":2.3561944962,"declination":-0.78539818525", from the HTTP server stream? Is the unit " 0°-360°"? and how to understand the minus character, "-" ?


Values are defined in radian, you need to multiply them with 180 / PI to get degree. Note that this already includes any offsets specified in the IsoLOG configuration.
There seems to be something wrong with the declination values though, they might be inverted. Just treat -45° as 45°.